Harrison Real Estate
Real Estate: In real estate sales since 1981, I am Broker at Harrison Real Estate. I am dedicated to my customers and work very hard to assure customer satisfaction whether they are buying or selling. I am a member of the Unity Church of God of Jesup, and The Georgia Association of Realtors, as well as licensed in Property and Casualty Insurance so we can meet your needs with coverage on auto and home. I have one daughter who has blessed me with a beautiful granddaughter & a wonderful grandson! (It really is true, grandchildren are the best!)I have two sons that have made me very proud too!! I enjoy scuba diving, deep sea saltwater fishing; enjoy riding my horses & training our grandchildren to ride their pony "Lolly". I am active in residential, commercial real estate and if you're looking for a farm call me I can help. I am a Multi- Million Dollar producer. I specialize in matching customers to property and will work diligently to assure your satisfaction. If I can help you in the future please give me a call at 912-294-4359 or email me at kathyanderson@jesupproperty.com